Nov 26, 2013

My New Micro-Loop Hair Extensions

Last night, I sat for three and a half hours while micro-loop extensions were put into my hair. All the while, my youngest was being crazy and climbing into laundry hampers and hiding in cat crates - he's so silly. On top of that he got a sucker stuck in his hair lol. I got my hair done by a woman not much younger than me, almost 25 years old, who had 10 years of experience under her belt with hair extensions. My hair hasn't been dyed in over a year, so the dark at the top is a dark blonde and is my natural color. The blonde at the bottom is the dyed hair that has been pushed down by the roots. She used 5 different color blondes and I think it turned out amazing. Added about 12 inches of length!

Nov 24, 2013

Family Guy S.12 E.06 - Is Brian REALLY Dead!?

Family Guy is at the top of my list for all-time favorite television comedies. It's humor while raunchy and sarcastic, focuses on real topics that affect every day society and the writers are definitely not afraid of expressing their opinions or beliefs. While most people find it overly crude and down-right stupid, I believe it takes a huge amount of bravery, dedication and intelligence to script this show. There wouldn't be so much controversy if they weren't doing a good job. People are just afraid to admit that the writers hit the truth on the nose! Family Guy takes "Oh My God I can't believe they just did that" to a new level. It's for the extremists who don't give a shit about what everyone else thinks. I fucking love it, and I hope Family Guy continues to air every Sunday for the next 50 years. Don't be mad because they're saying what we're all thinking, haha. But anyways, onto the latest episode - Season 12 Episode 6 - Brian DIES! Okay, if you're a family guy fan, I swear you'll cry during this episode lol. I did, because I am a huge suck and I think Brian and Stewie are absolutely adorable. It starts off with Brian and Stewie running away from Indians who have apparently taken over the world. This is due to the fact that Stewie went back in time and gave the Indians guns for what ever ridiculous reason, I have no idea. Long story short, their time machine device is destroyed, hence they can't go back in time to re-write the future. So Stewie finds Indian Stewie's machine, goes back in that, and takes the guns away from the Indians and all returns to normal. Since, his time machine always causes so many historical problems, he decides to destroy it at the local junkyard. While smashing the machine into smitherines using a giant magnetic compressor, Brian finds a "perfectly good" hockey net and decides to take it home. While setting it up on the road, Stewie goes inside to fetch something and in the mean time, Brian is hit and badly injured by a car. The family takes him to the best veterenarian in town, but Brian is too far gone and dies. It's so sad, I seriously cried. I was like, "okay, now this is where Stewey re-builds his time machine and goes back in time so save Brian" - WRONG! Stewie is unable to obtain a specific part for his time machine and therefore, is unable to build it. They bury Brian in the ground and after a month of grieving decide to get a new dog, Vinny - whose character I hate by the way. The family likes him, he seems okay - he's Italian - and he ends up falling asleep beside Stewie in his bedroom. But wtf, WHERE'S BRIAN! He's dead, he doesn't come back! I was so mad. I swear, if they kill Brian off and replace him with this asshole, I am not watching Family Guy. However, I don't think Seth MacFarlene would do this to Family Guy fans. Brian is one of the favorite characters next to Peter and Stewie, if he goes, the show goes. Brian provides that bit of realism and truth to every episode and is almost the sanity half the time. He brings intelligence and wisdom even while loathing in self righteousness half the time, but he's still lovable. I hope they bring Brian back, or I will be one pissed off fan.